Living in a "new bungalow," I am always in search of things that reflect the societal times of real bungalows.
Sometimes I find old kitchen tools, plates, and furniture that just seem to "have a story" and that would fit in a specific place.
...this brings me to our travels of the weekend! We found out that there was going to be a music and arts festival in Watertown, Tennessee. It turns out that Watertown has held this same festival for several years. As with many southern festivals, music, antiques, and food were advertised!
As we drove to the "event" I began to think of all the festivals we have attended over our years living in southern states...the Jazz Festival, Watermelon Festival, Mule Day, Shad Festival, Collard name it and you could probably find it somewhere in the steamy, humid south during one of the summer months!
Watertown was surprisingly interesting and ... of course... everyone was extremely helpful and friendly! I thought about the design of the town. The town square where the music stages were set up was familiar to us after having seen so many others over the years.
Colorful, painted brick buildings included several antiques shops, the public library, and a few cafes.
Jeanne's Antiques (below) was at one end of the square. I found this awesomely cool pashima in bright green and blue with very "Ya Ya!" I will throw it on when I am conducting candlelight get togethers of the "sisterhood!"
Watertown Bed and Breakfast was at another end of the square. Here, I found several "stories" that I captured through pictures!
My favorite...who painted this chair green, who used to sit in it...?
While on our visit, we found out that Watertown is home of the Stardust Drive In Theater! YES! It's a real drive in...can you believe that it is still in operation? In fact, the movies showing right now include Eclipse, Grownups, and Toy Story 3!
For more information visit: Stardust Drive In ...look, there's the movie screen!
Check out Watertown and the summer events at: Watertown, Tennessee
...gotta love the south!