Sunday, August 22, 2010

The design of baking and thoughts of a new kitchen!

Ever since my experience at Salt Water Farm, I have been in a baking frenzy!  ... truly!  I have been pouring over baking books, studying, and experimenting. 

I have also been downloading baking books to my iPad as furiously as ordering through amazon.  This has opened up a world of possibilities.  Tarts with Tops On, Savory Baking, Pies, Tarts, and Cakes Cookbook, Whole Foods Cookbook, etc., etc..

I anxiously am awaiting my copy of none other than Julia Child's French cookbooks... oy, what has happened to me?!

The house smells wonderful, but... I am wreaking havoc in my kitchen and find that I absolutely will be redesigning it over the next year.  My neighbors love me because they are my "testing participants!"

Here are some of my delicious creations inspired by my baking class in Maine:

Savory Dill Muffins

 Replication of the Blueberry Shortcake we made at Salt Water Farm.  My "design" changes include using pitted bing cherries for the filling with the same shortcake baked in one large cast iron pan.
... it was delish!  (Ouch!... that was so Paula Deen!)

Chicken Pot Pie baking in the convection oven

The finished product baked in my new pie pan!

My masterpiece!  These are buttery croissants.  They took me almost six hours because I had to make a butter block and chill, roll, chill, etc.  There were too many of them so I had to freeze some.  I'll bring them out on a cool, fall day and think of Maine!

I smell triple chocolate chip cookies which will go to my department chair tomorrow!

...thinking about how I will redesign my kitchen! 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

denizen does Salt Water Farm!

On a recent trip to Maine, I decided to enroll in a baking class.  Along with being a "closet decorator," I like to think of myself as a "recreational baker!"

I am always fascinated on visits to Williams Sonoma and can't seem to exit the store without dropping serious $$$!!  My baking book collection continues to grow as does my kitchen equipment collection--many items from Williams Sonoma, but, also many from antiques shops and specialty kitchen stores.

So...with that said...this year I found an interesting and intriguing class which was held at the Salt Water Farm in Lincolnville, Maine.  The farm's web site is in itself worth a look as it entices the viewer to read more about farming, savory cooking, and the events held at this wonderful place which overlooks the water.

The class was absolutely everything one would expect from a "baking in Maine" experience.  What was not expected was the sights, sounds, and aromas -- along with the decorating -- that was part of the experience.

We assisted the class instructor and owner of Salt Water Farm, Annemarie Ahearn, and the farm manager, Ladleah Dunn, in making three delicious and wonderous desserts!  I learned SO very much about temperature, techniques, and ...what a buckle is!

The kitchen was enough to prompt me to rethink and redesign my own.  A welcoming atmosphere that demands a return visit very soon!

Here are some of the pictures I took during the class.

 The kitchen work area where we worked.
Check out the stone oven in the back, the comfortable wooden stools and the delicious tea in the center!

 A large wooden dining table with windsor chairs made for an excellent place to sample our pies and tartes.  The beadboard is a soft green which complements the wooden beams and honey stained woodwork.  Two soft leather chairs in tobacco brown are nestled under a window.

Essentials hanging from a wooden beam (left) and baking supplies on the refrigerator (right).

 Kitchen area with warm wood cabinetry, granite counter tops, and awesome sink!

Cookbook collection nestled in the corner.

Wildflowers hanging on a wooden post beside the fireplace.

Dried flowers and herbs hanging on the side of the fireplace and woodburning oven.

Prepping for the class.

Greenhouse and stone sitting wall...Atlantic Ocean in the background!

Part of the herb garden with flowers and iron benches...and...Atlantic Ocean!

I look forward to a return visit to Salt Water Farm! 

...thanks Annemarie and Ladleah!